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Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

Fear forget hate intend

Like dislike neglect prefer

Propose remember start stop

She likes reading / to read. – Ей нравится читать.

The plane started going / to go down. – Самолет начал снижаться.


They stopped smoking. – Они перестали курить.

They stopped to smoke. – Они остановились, чтобы покурить.

Don’t forget locking the door. – Не забывай закрывать дверь.

Don’t forget to lock the door. – Не забудь закрыть дверь на замок.

I prefer staying at home. – Я предпочитаю оставаться дома.

I preferred to stay at home. – Я предпочел остаться дома.

I cannot afford to see him again. – Я не могу позволить себе снова увидеть его.

We couldn’t afford their seeing him again. – Мы не могли допустить, чтобы они снова увиделись с ним.

She remembered to buy matches. – Она не забыла купить спички.

She remembered buying matches. – Она помнила, что покупала спички.

Выражения с глаголом to be после которых можно ставить инфинитив или герундий (если есть предлог):

To be afraid (of) - бояться

To be amused (at) - позабавиться

To be annoyed (at) – быть раздраженным

To be ashamed (of) - стыдиться

To be astonished (at/ by) - удивиться

To be careful (in) – быть внимательным / осторожным

To be certain (about/of) – быть уверенным

To be content (with) – быть довольным

To be determined (on/upon) – твердо решить

To be fortunate (in) - повезти

To be furious (about) - разозлиться

To be happy (about) - радоваться

To be keen (on) – быть очень заинтересованным

To be proud (of) - гордиться

To be right (in/about) – быть правым

To be scared (of) – бояться / быть напуганным

To be selfish (in) – быть эгоистичным / самонадеянным

To be set (against/ for) – быть настроенным (против / за)

To be slow (at/ in) - медлить

To be quick (at) – быть быстрым

To be sorry (for) - извиняться

To be sure (of) – быть уверенным; наверняка

To be surprised (at) – быть удивленным

To be touched (at/ by) – быть тронутым

To be wrong (in/ about) - ошибаться

To be (dis)pleased (at/about/by) – быть приятным (неприятным)

To be good (at) – хорошо (с инф-м); быть умелым

To be interested (in) – быть интересным; быть заинтересованным

To be grateful (for) – быть благодарным

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

I. Yesterday I went with my sister 1) to buy (buy) something for her birthday. She didn’t really know what 2)... (get) but she seemed 3)... (like) the idea of a pet, so we went to the nearest pet shop. She started 4)... (look) around at all the animals. The man in the shop let her 5)... (pick up) the rabbits and stroke the hamsters, but when she saw some puppies 6)... (play) in a box, she said that she would like 7)... (have) one of them. I didn’t know if we had enough money 8)... (buy)one and I hope my mother wouldn’t object to 9)... (have) a dog in the house, but my sister promised 10)... (look afret) it properly and we did have enough money, so we bought a little black dog. The man gave us a special brush for 11)... (brush) him and some special food. Tomorrow we’re going to take Splash to the beach.

II. Dear Julie,

I am writing 1) to thank (thank) you for my birthday present. I was so happy 2)... (receive) it - I had so many lovely presents, I don’t know what 3)... (do) with them all! On my birthday I went for a meal with some friends and afterwards we went 4)... (dance) at that new club on Poplar Street. If you haven’t been, it’s certainly worth 5)... (go) there.

Now that I’m old enough 6)... (drive), I’m busy 7)... (take) driving lessons. Dad has said he’ll let me 8)... (use) his car as long as I promise 9)... (be) careful.

Well, I must 10)... (go) now. I hope 11)... (hear) from you soon.

Love, Madeleine

Put the verbs in brackets in the infinitive or the -ing form. I.

1. I don’t like singing/to sing in public. (sing)

2. It’s no use... her. She won’t listen. (tell)

3. I’m still too upset... about it. (talk)

4. Don’t disturb him. He’s busy.... (work)

5. Stop... your nails! (bite)

6. Don’t expect him... you any money. (lend)

7. I’ve decided... him. (leave)

8. Mum made me... my medicine. (take)

9. She agreed... him $ 1, 000. (lend)

10. He denied... the stolen goods. (receive)



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Борисенко М. Г., Лукина Н. А. Книга поможет педагогам и родителям организовать работу по развитию у детей дошкольного возраста грамматической стороны речи | Посвящение. Брату, рабу Божию Петру, Григорий, епископ Нисский

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